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Found 269 results for the keyword engineering research. Time 0.007 seconds.
Engineering research seeks improvements in theory and practice in fields such as (for example) high-speed computation, bioengineering, earthquake prediction, power systems, nanotechnology and construction. -- Wikipedia International Journal of Engineering Research-Online: IJOERInternational Journal of Engineering Research – online (IJOER) is an international peer reviewed, open access, online bi-monthly journal in English for the enhancement of research in v
International Journal of Engineering Research-Online: IJOERInternational Journal of Engineering Research – online (IJOER) is an international peer reviewed, open access, online bi-monthly journal in English for the enhancement of research in v
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, IjeInternational Journal of Engineering Research and General Science
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, IjeInternational Journal of Engineering Research and General Science
Research and Review | Industrial Pollution Control | Open AccessA bi-annual, peer-reviewed, journal of Industrial Pollution Control known for the rapid advancements of innovative research covering all aspects of polluti
Top Engineering Colleges in Thrissur,Palakkad|Private Engineering collNehru College of Engineering & Research Centre (Autonomous) is the one of the top private engineering college in Kerala, offers B.Tech & M.Tech courses in diverse fields.
Call For Paper : ISAR | High Impact Factor Computer Science Journal, ECall for Papers : ISAR | Computer Science Journal, High Impact Factor Computer Science Journal, Impact Factor, Electronic Journal, Management Journal, Engineering Journal, International Journal, engineering research and
IJERM | International Journal of Engineering Research and ManagementInternational Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is an international premier peer reviewed open access engineering and technology journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of bas
IJERM | International Journal of Engineering Research and ManagementInternational Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is an international premier peer reviewed open access engineering and technology journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of bas
IJERM | International Journal of Engineering Research and ManagementInternational Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is an international premier peer reviewed open access engineering and technology journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of bas
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